15/04: Need to update
No time for diving, no time for computers, no time for R'n'r.....only time to work and the kids.I mis our DINK time in Australia.
Lea and Mie has been sick on/off just over a month. Mostly ears and colds - now Tina is off sick as well - we all need a bit of summer now.
As mentioned, no computer time right now, so you'll have to settle with these latest pics of kids.

28/12: Working between Xmas and NY
Well, with 3 girls, a new house a big car - someone has to bring back some money.But then again, not much happens here at the office, so time for a minor update just before the year ends.
We started the year with Lea being about 4 months old, and all 3 of us enjoyed the spring and summer where she learned to walk. Also Tina got pregnant again, and this made a definitive stop to my ?going at home living off my wife?s money time?. In August Lea started at the childcare and I went back to work at a travel agency. We bought a station car for the expanding family, and mid September we bought our new house and put up the apartment for sale. In November we started painting, cleaning, fixing and moving in to the house, on the 22nd our new baby girl was born. Then Xmas time and just over 2 weeks ago we managed to sell our apartment.
Tina is doing well, I'm doing well, Lea is fantastic and the new baby is still waiting for a name....all in all a pretty god damn great year :o)
Best wishes for friends and family in 2008.
13/11: We have moved
2 hectic weekends and 2 hectic days off and everything was done. We have moved in to our house and are now trying to get used to our new accomodation. Lea has got her own room, we have a nice kitchen with a place to eat, 1 large combined livingroom and bedroom, 1 cellar with 50 boxes filled with stuff!!? and lot's and lot's of things everywhere around the floor.We're happy, we're tired and we're gratefull towards everyone who helped: Leif, Vivi, Hanne, Pia, Lars, Dorte, Lars, Else Margrethe, Jesper, S?ren, Hanne, S?ren and Anders - sorry if I missed any.
Our new address will be sent out by email one of the coming days.
04/05: Photo update
For all you happy campers, here's a swam from Lyngby lake on 22 February 2007.For everyone else, here's 32 pictures of Lea
04/09: Growing steadily
Today we had another visit by the health visitor (da: sundhedsplejerske), and she had another look at our little girl. Everything is looking good and she is now 56cm and weighs 4300g so she is growing rapidly. With all the food and sleep she gets no wonder :o)01/09: Fire fire fire....or at least a fair bit of smoke
We've got a new washing machine!Yesterday Tina found smoke coming from the washer, and due to a fair age of aproximately 20 years, we decided to buy a new one.
Now we can clean all the dirty diapers in a rush and I'm sure at a much lower cost :o)
19/08: ...and then they were 3....
The waiting is over and we've become parents. Hard to believe but the fact is never the less that we are now 3 people living in our apartment. Everyone is doing well - we've all get a fair bit of sleep, the breastfeeding is working well and the grandparents are all excited. For the full story of the birth, check out the link below (read more), and for a visual rundown of the last and first hours around the birth click hereRead More!
26/07: Now I've got our wedding photos uploaded
Go have a look here.Tina is getting bigger for every day, and now she is in perfect harmony with our BBQ. The picture is from our beachhouse, where we've spent severaldays this summer.
08/05: What ever happened to Spring?
I was almost getting used to the cold weather, but now all of a sudden summer is here.The last week we've had clear blue skies - and yesterday it was 26 degrees....in the shade!!!!!
With all this sunlight, the women in Denmark are working on their tan - and what a great sight that is :o)
Today my moms summerhouse should be ready, and we are heading up there tomorrow morning - checking out the new expansion. I'm looking forward to invite people up there, close to the sea and the great environment.
05/04: Even closer
My NEW divecomputer has now returned, I'll pick it up tomorrow :o)Today we also got a new fridge, hopefully now I don't have to change the fuse every second day!!!
All I need now is 1) a day for my first dive 2) eventually a new job.