07/05: Segway and more

Ages since last update, I know – but here’s the latest news.
We were supposed to go to Sharm el Sheik for 2 weeks during Easter, but Tinas dad got seriously ill and we decided to stay home. Luckily he’s now much better and improving every day.

So the 2½ weeks leave, was mainly spent at home with the girls, and after my busy time during autumn and winter, it was very nice to really get very close again. We also went to a waterworld called Lalandia for 4 days. The girls had a ball, but for Tina and I it wasn’t as exciting. We’ll NEVER go during school holiday, that’s for sure.

Arrival to Segway event
2 days ago, Tina and I went to Malmø, and tried to ride a Segway. It was a gift for my birthday last year, but we’ve just never got around to go last summer.
It was a lot of fun, and much easier than expected. We started out testing it on the sidewalk for a couple of minutes, and then rode through town with a max speed of 7 km/h. Good speed and a great way of sightseeing. Pedestrians paid us a lot of attention :-)
Tina racing Parents day out After reaching a local park, the guide changed the max speed to 20 km/h and that really made a difference.
Kris on a stroll
After ‘speeding’ for a couple of minutes, it seemed fine and not too fast, luckily it was not turned back to 7, that would have felt slow for sure.
We drove through the park, raced an old git an a handicap bike with motor (and beat him), then back through mid town and the ride ended after 1 hour.
Riding a Segway is recommendable, but very addictive I’m afraid.