
23/11: Mie is now 3 years old

97,5 cm and going strong. Mie turned 3 yesterday and have had birtday party all through the weekend.
Images from Saturday at the family gathering.
All in all a very good but hectic weekend.

19/11: Mid November, is winter already here?

Why snow so early
Well, here it is, the first snow this season. Apparently Mie was born during the winter and not autom :-)
We're facing a birthday weeking, Saturday familiy is coming to celebrate Mies 3 years, and Sunday she's having 6-7 friends over for another birthday party......I'm tired already.
Monday is her real birthday, so we'll celebrate in the morning before heading of to work.
Birtday picture hopefully soon to come (once I've found the battery charger......aaaarrgghhhh)