
28/12: Working between Xmas and NY

Well, with 3 girls, a new house a big car - someone has to bring back some money.
But then again, not much happens here at the office, so time for a minor update just before the year ends.

We started the year with Lea being about 4 months old, and all 3 of us enjoyed the spring and summer where she learned to walk. Also Tina got pregnant again, and this made a definitive stop to my ?going at home living off my wife?s money time?. In August Lea started at the childcare and I went back to work at a travel agency. We bought a station car for the expanding family, and mid September we bought our new house and put up the apartment for sale. In November we started painting, cleaning, fixing and moving in to the house, on the 22nd our new baby girl was born. Then Xmas time and just over 2 weeks ago we managed to sell our apartment.

Tina is doing well, I'm doing well, Lea is fantastic and the new baby is still waiting for a name....all in all a pretty god damn great year :o)

Best wishes for friends and family in 2008.