26/01: Winter is finally here
So it arrived. Last night we had down to minus 10 degrees, and we've had the big car crashes on the first icy morning as usual. Up to 40 cars collided on one of the major highways leading in to Copenhagen, will the Danes never learn to drive slowly when the snow and ice arrives?Despite the cold, our daughter is happy to sleep outside. She sleeps in a kind of baby sleeping bag, and it keeps her warm and dry. Once in a while though we need to take her for a walk - great way for her to fall asleep :o)
14/01: Christmas pictures
A few pictures of the family and.....Lea naturally from December month: December02/01: Welcome 2007 with a blast
Christmas and New Year is over and we have had a perfect time celebrating at home for the first time in many years. Christmas was with the family at our summerhouse, days went by with eating and drinking. New Year was with friends ? great food, perfect wine and outstanding atmosphere.Lea is developing her sleeping habits, now she likes to stay awake till sometime between 24 and 03?..not funny.
Never the less, I like to highlight the positive aspects of this, and last night she did not want to sleep at all. So around 04.15 I got her in her clothes, put her in her baby carriage and went for a walk. I walked by the local tackle store, who this morning started their sale. I signed up at 04.30 as number 9 in the queue for special offers. Before I went to abroad I was a keen fisherman and had lots of gear. During my absence from Denmark all my rods have disappeared (approximately 10) and everyone who likes to fish knows that is a small fortune. But with Leas mind set to not sleeping, I managed to buy my self a Berkley 2-12g rod for Dkk 50,- (yes fifty) ? normal price 1499,- I?m a happy man :o)
Tonight though, I wouldn?t mind if she fell asleep slightly earlier ? the sale is only once a year.