21/12: No Christmascards

Moms smile or dads?
Well, some of you might have noticed a minor change on this blog during the last months. Not really that much new stuff like traveling, diving or wine tasting - now life is all about: the right size diapers, has she found her toes, is it normal to scratch the ear to fall asleep, she found her toes a couple of days ago, the charming smiles, the devastating crying, the feet finding the mouth, the hand finding the diaper, the toys that make a sound when you hit it, the pillow looking like a cow that makes her happy etc etc.
It's almost Christmas and I have hardly noticed :o)
Well, this year the 3 of us, my mom, my cousin, his wife and 3 kids and his mom are all going to the beach house and celebrates up there. My sis can't make it and my other cousin is still in Bolivia.
To all of you reading this blog - sorry but no Christmas cards this year, never the less, the best wishes for a merry Christmas to all of you.