
10/04: Been there, done that

Weather was 6, wind 10m/s, cloudy, sporadic showers, water was 4-6, depth 7.8 meters, time 32 minutes, chill factor......pretty warm :o)
First coldwater dive

Had a dive Saturday - viz about 4-5 meters, dive buddies were all geared up with stagebottles, camcorder and cameras, twintanks, spare masks etc. They are training for a dive to 75 on a wreck near Bornholm :o)
Despite my 30 pounds of weight and a 12L steeltank, I was still a bit light trying to get down, next time I'll add another 4 pounds.
Fun never the less, found several bicycles, a safe with a big hole in the back, various tools and a lot of green water.
I think my biggest problem was trying to clean my gear back home in that tiny apartment of ours, with the even smaller bathroom......we'll need to find something bigger if this diving thing in Denmark really kicks off.
But for anyone interested, it's started, come join me - let's go diving :o)

05/04: Even closer

My NEW divecomputer has now returned, I'll pick it up tomorrow :o)
Today we also got a new fridge, hopefully now I don't have to change the fuse every second day!!!
All I need now is 1) a day for my first dive 2) eventually a new job.