
29/12: What the hell are we doing?

Okay, today went by with 30+ degrees and a nice BBQ in the evening with Olivier and Georgina.
Checking the news in DK today, the webcam over Copenhagen Town Hall Square
Where are the down hills when you need them ;o)

26/12: Another beautiful day

34 degrees, light breeze and good viz :o)
Perfect day for diving, so Gary and I went to Bare Island and after doing a 70+ minute dive there we had 60 minutes at Shark Point....excellent.
This is what Christmas is all about ;o)

20/12: Items now for sale

So we started to sell our stuff, and all items for sale can be found here.
Feel free to distribute the list/link around.

19/12: Nice weekend

Saturday single dive at Fairlight, good viz till the rain and hail spoiled that. Cancelled second dive because beer was present :o)
Coogee Hotel and Establishment in the evening - managed to partly hold back on those vodka redbulls (very clever and mature).
Late Sunday with beachvolley in the afternoon with Jan Tore. Not a bad weekend at all.

15/12: In the water again

Finally got to go diving again. Night dive with Jesper on Shelly beach. 26 degrees, full moon, high tide and fairly calm waters - excellent.
Fairly uneventful dive though, no sunfish and no big sharks, just a peaceful wobby and some squids hunting :o)

14/12: Okay, so the teeth were not that big

The big story last week was the 5m shark spotted at Bondi beach. Well the story now goes it was not a shark after all. It was a Sunfish, which apparently likes to stick its fin over the surface to.....yes - get some sun.
Time to get wet again :o)

08/12: This is NOT a PJ or Wobbi

Here fishy fishy fishy
The marine life around Sydney just keeps getting better. Here's a story from yesterday where people were called out of the water. I wonder if anyone thought about calling back the divers?

07/12: Allmost there

Last Sunday we went out with Asa (Tinas colleague) and Steve from Prodive Cairns, and he invited us for a double boat dive at Old mans hat. Well, Tina was not up for it, and I found that I'm still coughing to much - so dives for us.
We have also decided not to take a vacation to Vanuatu, so no diving the Coolidge for me. Tassie is still going to happen though, and maybe Kangaroo Island.
15 working days to go :o)

02/12: No diving :o(

So here I have a nice Friday evening and full Saturday for my self while Tina is away in Melbourne - but can I go diving....NO....still coughing, want it to stop!
1 more month to go, then it's the of work for both of us - yeeehaaaa, now we are planning a trip to Vanuatu in Jan and Tassie in Feb.