The waiting is over and we've become parents. Hard to believe but the fact is never the less that we are now 3 people living in our apartment. Everyone is doing well - we've all get a fair bit of sleep, the breastfeeding is working well and the grandparents are all excited. For the full story of the birth, check out the link below (read more), and for a visual rundown of the last and first hours around the birth click here
Monday we visited the midwife, who found that Tina was probably developing pre-eclampsia, so by Monday afternoon Tina was admitted and told to stay in bed. Tuesday morning they decided to try and get Tina in to labour, but nothing happened during the day nor night. Wednesday morning she got another pill which should kick start things, but again it was a quiet day.
So I went home in the evening around 22.00 but at midnight things were starting to happen, and I was summoned around 3.30. I went back to the hospital, just in time when Tina was taken to the delivery room. We were met by the midwife and she told us, because of Tinas high blood pressure, she would get an anesthesiologist to put a epidural blok.
From that point on, Tina could not feel any pain or discomfort at all.
A new waiting period now started, the contractions had to become regular, and a minimum 5 per 10 minutes were required. This was the situation at around 8 in the morning now the only thing we had to wait for, was the head of the baby to come far enough down so Tina could start pressing her out.
Because of the high blood pressure, there was a constant monitoring of the child as well as the mother, and at around 11.15 they could see that the baby now wanted to come out, and it?s hart was under some constraint. Within 1-2 minutes, we had a midwife, 1 assistant, 1 podiatrist, 1 obstetrician and 1 head obstetrician.
The baby was now so far down the uterus they would try and get it out with a cup ? 2 tries and if this was not successful they would do a caesarean ? so we now knew we would have a child within 20 minutes.
It turned out, it took less than that and our girl showed her face 11.34 after the second pull/push by Tina and the obstetrician. It is quite normal for a newborn to be blueish in color right after birth, and that she was. The reason for the stressed heart and probably why she never managed to get all the way down was she had the umbilical cord wrapped 3 times around her neck. The doctors and midwife and everyone did one hell of a job, and within 30 minutes after she had arrived we were left alone, just to enjoy each others company and some light breakfast.
Around 13.30 we were taken from the delivery room to our own private room where we?ve spend the last 2 nights.
Today we?ve all gotten back home and our girl has seen her new home for the first time. Tina is doing very well although tired ? I?m doing just fine ? although tired, our girl is doing perfect as well and sleeps all the time.
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19/08: ...and then they were 3....
The waiting is over and we've become parents. Hard to believe but the fact is never the less that we are now 3 people living in our apartment. Everyone is doing well - we've all get a fair bit of sleep, the breastfeeding is working well and the grandparents are all excited. For the full story of the birth, check out the link below (read more), and for a visual rundown of the last and first hours around the birth click hereSo I went home in the evening around 22.00 but at midnight things were starting to happen, and I was summoned around 3.30. I went back to the hospital, just in time when Tina was taken to the delivery room. We were met by the midwife and she told us, because of Tinas high blood pressure, she would get an anesthesiologist to put a epidural blok.
From that point on, Tina could not feel any pain or discomfort at all.
A new waiting period now started, the contractions had to become regular, and a minimum 5 per 10 minutes were required. This was the situation at around 8 in the morning now the only thing we had to wait for, was the head of the baby to come far enough down so Tina could start pressing her out.
Because of the high blood pressure, there was a constant monitoring of the child as well as the mother, and at around 11.15 they could see that the baby now wanted to come out, and it?s hart was under some constraint. Within 1-2 minutes, we had a midwife, 1 assistant, 1 podiatrist, 1 obstetrician and 1 head obstetrician.
The baby was now so far down the uterus they would try and get it out with a cup ? 2 tries and if this was not successful they would do a caesarean ? so we now knew we would have a child within 20 minutes.
It turned out, it took less than that and our girl showed her face 11.34 after the second pull/push by Tina and the obstetrician. It is quite normal for a newborn to be blueish in color right after birth, and that she was. The reason for the stressed heart and probably why she never managed to get all the way down was she had the umbilical cord wrapped 3 times around her neck. The doctors and midwife and everyone did one hell of a job, and within 30 minutes after she had arrived we were left alone, just to enjoy each others company and some light breakfast.
Today we?ve all gotten back home and our girl has seen her new home for the first time. Tina is doing very well although tired ? I?m doing just fine ? although tired, our girl is doing perfect as well and sleeps all the time.