
13/11: We have moved

2 hectic weekends and 2 hectic days off and everything was done. We have moved in to our house and are now trying to get used to our new accomodation. Lea has got her own room, we have a nice kitchen with a place to eat, 1 large combined livingroom and bedroom, 1 cellar with 50 boxes filled with stuff!!? and lot's and lot's of things everywhere around the floor.
We're happy, we're tired and we're gratefull towards everyone who helped: Leif, Vivi, Hanne, Pia, Lars, Dorte, Lars, Else Margrethe, Jesper, S?ren, Hanne, S?ren and Anders - sorry if I missed any.
Our new address will be sent out by email one of the coming days.

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